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Our Vision:


  • We will develop a culture where our children understand and support the well-being of everyone in school.  There will be consistently high levels of respect for all, demonstrated through exemplary behaviour, and led by children with valued roles and responsibilities in school;

  • Our children, through accessing a vast range of curriculum and extra-curricular experiences, will enjoy and understand their own personal development which provides all of them with a true sense of achievement;

  • Through a well-planned, broad, balanced, rich curriculum, all teachers deliver high quality lessons and all children develop their knowledge and skills across the curriculum.  They are able to talk confidently about their learning and as a result progress and attainment scores are above the national average;

  • We will ensure staff receive focused and effective training so their knowledge and delivery of the curriculum is strong and their professional development allows them to progress through their career.  Through this, our children will access the engaging, broad curriculum we want them to experience and the progress they make will be strong;

  • Attendance will remain consistently above the national average and will be one of many indicators that our children’s attitude to learning is highly positive.

Rudgwick Primary School

Tates Way, Rudgwick
West Sussex

RH12 3HW

For general queries please contact 
Mrs Dunsby in the School Office

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Tel: 01403 822151

Inspire  -  Believe  -  Achieve

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