Contact us:
Office: Mrs Claire Dunsby
Headteacher: Mr Terry Ryan
Rudgwick Primary School
Tates Way, Rudgwick,
West Sussex, RH12 3HW
Tel: 01403 822151
Fax: 01403 823093
Main contact email:
arrange a visit
We hope that you will find many of the answers to your questions here on the website. However, the very best way to really get a feel for this friendly and vibrant school is to pay us a visit.
We welcome visitors and hold Open Days throughout the year, when you can see the children and staff in action.
Our capable Year 6 children will give you a guided tour, whilst a senior member of staff will also be on hand to answer any questions.
If you are unable to attend an Open Day, or simply prefer to visit at another time, please contact the school office and make an appointment.