Welcome to Early Years
Africa Class
Class Teacher: Mrs Worth
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Knight, Mrs Norman & Mrs Covey
About the Early Years
At Rudgwick we feel that a happy start to school is vital, our warm and caring approach will ensure that your child settles in quickly and successfully begins their journey as a learner in school.
Baseline Assessment
When a pupils starts school it is important to assess their starting point to be able to measure progress in learning. The reception baseline assessment (RBA) is a short, task-based assessment of your child’s early literacy, communication, language and mathematics skills when they begin school. It is statutory for all schools from September 2021.
The assessment can take place at any point in the first 6 weeks of your child starting reception. The assessment will form the start of a new measure of how schools are helping their pupils to progress between reception and year 6.
Your child does not need to prepare. There is no pass mark or score and your child should not realise they’re doing an assessment.
Early Years Curriculum
The Early Years curriculum is full and diverse. Full coverage of expectations can be found here:
How are families involved?
Before your child's first day at school, you will have a family meeting with the Early Years staff. This allows you to tell us about your child so that we can quickly start to work with you to support your child's learning.
Parents / carers have termly teacher consultations. There are also opportunities to come and see the children's learning during our open classroom sessions. Every child has a learning journal where samples of their learning are kept and we also record photographs and observations of your child on an online platform called Tapestry. Parents can view their child's online observations and are also invited to contribute their own observations of their child's progress at home.