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Our School Governors

Governors are the strategic leaders of the school, and have a vital role to play in making sure that every child gets the best possible education.


The purpose of a maintained school governing body is to ‘conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the school’.
There is a strong focus on:

  • Setting the strategic direction of the school

  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils

  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure that money is well spent.


Governors draw on their experience from across education and industry and receive frequent training in order to fulfil their roles in the successful governance of the school.


Rudgwick Primary School’s governing body currently consists of 10 core members and 1 Associate Member. The Full Governing Body meets 6 times a year and is made up as follows:

  • 2 Parent Governors

  • 1 Local Authority Governor

  • 2 Staff Governors (including Headteacher)

  • 5 Co-opted Governors

  • 1 Associate Member


We retain three committees, made up members of the Full Governing Body:

  • Curriculum Committee

  • Finance, Staffing and Health & Safety Committee

  • Pay Committee


We additionally have panels and working groups which cover everything from detailed strategic planning to the head teacher's performance management process.


Updates from full governors meetings are made available in the school’s weekly newsletter and the minutes of meetings are available to view at school should you wish to.


Governance Lead roles:

  • Chair - Tom Hewitt

  • Vice Chair - Mike Flower

  • Safeguarding - Fairley Allan

  • Pupil Premium - Fairley Allan

  • SEND - Erin Herman

  • Curriculum - Tom Hewitt

  • Early Years - Fiona Bull

  • Training - Fiona Bull

  • Health & Safety - Mike Flower

  • Digital Compliance - Nick Goundry

  • Wellbeing - David Buckley


Curriculum Committee includes:

  • Chair - Tom Hewitt

  • Other members - Fairley Allan, Fiona Bull, Terry Ryan, Hayley Edwards, Joy Rolland


Finance, Staffing and Health & Safety Committee includes:

  • Chair - David Buckley

  • Other members - Mike Flower, Terry Ryan, Hayley Edwards, Nick Goundry


Pay Committee includes:

  • Chair - Mike Flower

  • Other members - Fairley Allan, Nick Goundry, Mike Bamber

Meet The Governance Team

Tom Hewitt

Chair of Governors



As a software engineer, former musician, dad-of-three, car owner, and amateur home improvement enthusiast, I believe education never ends. I'm particularly interested in ensuring the school delivers a broad, rich and exciting curriculum that gives every child the opportunity to find their lifelong learning passion. I've been a Governor since January 2022.


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Fairley Allan



I am a retired Special Needs Teacher who worked with children with Autism. I'm especially interested in making sure that all children have the opportunity to make progress and are included in the success of the school. 

Mike Bamber




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Erin Herman



I am a qualified public law solicitor with specialism in education, including special educational needs. I live in the village with my family and am pleased to be able to help the local community by being involved in our lovely primary school. I am keen to assist with children’s access to education and ensure that they can benefit from the opportunities available. 

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Mike Flower


Local Authority


I joined the governing body in 2018, when I had two grandchildren at the school.  I am a chemist by training, and in my semi-retirement I work part-time as a pharmaceutical quality manager.  I am the governor responsible for Health and Safety, Chair of the Pay Committee, and am a member of the Staff, Finance and H&S committee.

David Buckley



I have been a Governor for several years. I am a Co-opted Governor and have a particular interest in pupil performance. I have been involved in teaching mathematics throughout my professional career.

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Hayley Edwards



I am Deputy Headteacher and was nominated by the teachers and teaching assistants as staff governor. I have been a Rudgwick Primary School for several years now and love the close community feel of the school. My interests outside of the school include music and art.

Joy Rolland

Curriculum Associate


I first joined the Governing Body in 2016 as a Parent Governor. Both of my children have now left the school but I remain in place as a Governor. I am also a primary school teacher.

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Kate Mayo

Clerk to the Governors



My role is to support the governors in carrying out their duties.


I have been the clerk since 2016.

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Fiona Bull



I joined the governing body in 2018 as a parent governor and have 2 children who have been/are pupils at the school. I am the Link Governor, EYFS Governor and Chair of the Head Teacher's Performance Management panel. I am a primary school teacher who currently teaches music across KS1 and KS2. Prior to this, I have had many years of experience as a classroom teacher in the EYFS, KS1 and KS2. 

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Nick Goundry 



I have been a parent governor since June 2022.  I have three children who are all enjoying their time at Rudgwick Primary School.  I live in the village and work in the technology industry as a product manager.  Through my work I see the role technology will play in all aspects of our children's lives and I'm keen to support the school in this area.  I'm pleased to be a member of the governing board to help the school on behalf of parents and the local community.

Terry Ryan



I am delighted to have joined the school in September 2021 and to have the opportunity to work alongside such committed, creative and dedicated staff and Governors across the school.  Prior to becoming Headteacher at Rudgwick I have been an Acting Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, Inclusion Manager and Assistant Headteacher in schools in London and within West Sussex.

Meet Guvs

Please find our Governors report for 2024

Please find our Governors report for 2023

Please find our Governors report for 2022

Guv Repor

* Governors are required to declare any business or pecuniary interest that they may have in the school, any other governance in which they participate and any relationships to staff within the school.


Clerk to the Governors:  Ms Kate Mayo

For details about the most recently published information about Governor attendance, download the PDF here. Please note this information is for the previous academic year, not the current one.

Guv Blog
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