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our policies

Here is our current list of school policies.

Click on the file to access the relevant policy to download the file.

Paper copies of all policies are available free of charge on request.

Accessibility Plan November 2023 - 2026
Admissions arrangements July 2023 - 2024
Anti-Bullying Policy 2022-25
Behaviour Policy 2023 - 2024
Charging and Remissions policy March 2024 - 2025
Complaints Policy Apr 2022 - 2025
Confidential Reporting April 2022 - 2025
Data Protection Policy May 2022 - 2024
Equality Information and Objectives Jan 2023 - 2027
Exclusions Policy Mar 2022 - 2025
Fire Safety Policy and Plan May 2023
First Aid Provision Policy Jan 2023 - 2025
Freedom of Information Policy May 2022 - 2025
Health & Safety Policy Mar 2024- 2025
ICT and Internet and acceptable use Oct 2023-2024
Online Safety Oct 2023-2024
Privacy Notice for Pupils May 2023 - 2028
Privacy Notice for Staff May 2023 - 2028
Privacy Notice for Volunteers May 2023 - 2028
Procedure for Accepting Non-prescribed Medicines in school Oct 2023-2024
Procedure for Accepting Prescribed Medicines in School Oct 2023-2024
Procedure when notified of a Pupil's Medical Condition Oct 2023- 2024
Publication Scheme May 2023 - 2024
Pupil Premium Policy 2023 - 2024
Pupil Restraint Jun 2023 - 2026
RE and Collective Worship Policy - September 2023 - 2026
RSHE Policy Nov 2022-2024
Request for Leave in Term-time Policy March 2022 - 2027
SEND Policy 2023 - 2024
Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy Sept 2023-2024
School Uniform
School Visitors ( Aggressive Behaviour) Feb 2017
Sex and Relationship Education Policy Mar 2021 - 2024
Teaching and Learning Policy May 2023-2025
Use of Films in School Oct 2014 - 2024
Use of Photographs Policy Jan 2023 - 2026
Young Carers Policy April 2022 - 2025

Rudgwick Primary School

Tates Way, Rudgwick
West Sussex

RH12 3HW

For general queries please contact 
Mrs Dunsby in the School Office

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Tel: 01403 822151

Inspire  -  Believe  -  Achieve

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