Our School Motto:
Inspire - Believe - Achieve
Our Mission:
At Rudgwick Primary School, our mission is to provide a happy, fun, safe place, where kindness shines through and where:
Excellent teaching and a wide range of experiences inspires a love for learning and a curious mind;
Everyone is valued and respected and feel that they belong;
Individual strengths and talents are nurtured and celebrated and children believe in themselves and, through strong friendships, each other;
A growth mind set is encouraged, mistakes are seen as learning opportunities and confident, resilient learners grow;
Children are successful learners who, through both independence and collaboration, can make progress and achieve to their full potential.
Our Vision:
*Click here to read in more detail*
Our children understand and support the well-being of everyone in school. There will be consistently high levels of respect for all;
Our children will enjoy and understand their own personal development which provides all of them with a true sense of achievement;
Through a rich curriculum all children develop a range of knowledge and skills and as a result progress and attainment are above the national average;
Staff receive focused and effective training so their knowledge and professional development allows them to progress through their career. As a result of this, the progress our children make will be strong;
Children’s attitude to learning is highly and consistently positive.
" They may forget what you said, but they will never forget what you made them feel." Carl Beuhner
Our wider values for the Autumn Term are:
Growth Mindset
Kindness & Respect
"Inspire" is all about:
The WOW factor!
Becoming a life long learner
Being excited about learning
The sparkle in the child's eye
Challenging learners
Achieving what you are not capable of achieving alone
Dreaming big dreams
We will:​
Provide children with a wide variety of opportunities for learning
Spend time getting to know our pupils' interests
Aspire to provide children with real life learning experiences
Provide opportunities to work with a wide range of people, experts and professionals who provide excellent role models
Encourage children to ask questions and develop their own ideas
Ask children to find a solution to the problem, rather than just giving them the answer
Provide stimulating and vibrant learning environments with access to high quality resources
Learners will:
Be highly motivated by what's on offer
Have ownership over their own learning and the direction that it takes
Have the focus and commitment to stay on track
Ask searching questions
" If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves." Thomas Alva Edison
Our wider values for the Spring Term are:
Growth Mindset
Independence/Collaboration & Confidence
"Believe" is about:
Knowing it is possible - you can get there in the end
Having positive self esteem
Enabling children to have confidence in their abilities
Displaying resilience when facing difficulties
Knowing that you can do more than you think you can
We will:
Recognise and acknowledge that all children have different strengths: help them to discover and develop their own talents
Use positive language with children to help them believe in themselves
Provide children with opportunities for open ended learning
Ensure that children feel safe and cared for in an environment that will nurture their own self-confidence
Encourage children to believe in themselves by believing in them!
Learners will:
Be motivated, enthusiastic and confident
Be willing to have a go
Approach challenges with a positive attitude
Demonstrate confidence in their abilities
Be able to initiate their own learning
Work collaboratively to encourage those around them
" No matter who you are, or where you come from, if you've got a dream there's no one out there that can stop you from achieving it." Cher Lloyd
Our wider values for the Summer Term are:
Growth Mindset
Curiosity & Thoughtfulness
"Achieve" is about:
The journey to success
Aiming high, knowing what you want to accomplish and reaching that goal
Recognising milestones, regardless of their size
Feeling good about what you have done
We will:
Use a creative, inclusive curriculum with a wide range of opportunities
Develop pupil's own interests to maximise enjoyment and love for learning
Use real life contexts and variety in our teaching
Work with pupils to remove barriers to learning
Provide positive role models
Provide opportunities to achieve both within school and out
Use individual, class and whole school celebrations to harness success
Adapt teaching to suit different learning styles
Use clear expectations to help children recognise their achievements
Use praise, rewards, certificates and celebrations
Learners will:
Know what they are aiming towards
Be actively engaged
Be recognised, valued and celebrated
Be given opportunities to succeed at an individual level
Understand that achievement looks different for different people
Recognise and celebrate the achievement of others
British Values
British Values at Rudgwick
At Rudgwick we are fortunate that our pupils, families and staff come from an ever growing range of cultures and backgrounds.
We are proud of the diversity of our school, and the role we play in supporting the development of young people who will have the tools, skills and confidence to make a positive contribution to their communities, and beyond.
Children, parents and staff have many opportunities for their voices to be heard at Rudgwick Primary School. Democracy is embedded within the school and central to how we operate. Children are regularly involved in shared decision making which increases their responsibility for helping to make the classroom and school a good place to be and learn. House Captains and Young Governors are elected by their peers who get to experience democratic processes first hand. The children’s views, ideas and actions have direct impact on school development.
Tolerance of those with different Faiths and Beliefs
Rudgwick Primary is proud to promote and celebrate our different backgrounds and beliefs. Tolerance, politeness and mutual respect are at the heart of our ethos and aims. Children can learn from peers and visitors, about other world faiths including customs, practices and celebrations. A range of curriculum areas enhance children’s understanding and respect for different faiths and beliefs including R.E., PSHE, English, Art and Music.
Promoting British Values
The Government set out its definition of British Values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy, and these values have been reiterated repeatedly.
‘To create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.’
At Rudgwick these values form part of a common thread which runs through every aspect of life at the school.
The Rule of Law
The importance of having laws or rules is reinforced throughout the school day. Pupils are taught the value of and reasons behind laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken.
The school’s approach to managing behaviour is clearly displayed in every classroom. Internet safety is regularly discussed with the children in computing lessons and assemblies. All members of the school community sign our acceptable use policy and pledge to use the internet safely.
The school has good links with local magistrates, the Police and Fire Service, who regularly visit and help to reinforce the Rule of Law and how to stay safe.
Individual Liberty
Children are actively encouraged to make choices at our school, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school we provide boundaries for our children to make choices, through the provision of a safe environment and planned curriculum. Children are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms. They are advised how to do these safely, e.g. through our e-safety teaching, anti-bullying week and PSHE lessons. Children are strongly encouraged to develop independence in learning and to think for themselves.
Mutual Respect
Respect is one of our wider school values. Children have been part of discussions through circle time and assemblies related to what this means and how it is shown. Collective worship is based on Christian values which determine how we live as a community at Rudgwick. The school promotes respect for others and this is reiterated through our school/classroom rules as well as out behaviour policy. Children’s behaviour demonstrates their good understanding of respect in action.